Female Betta Fish Green Alien Buy 4 Get 1 Free (CBG-010-GREEN)
Wild Type alien female betta with an all green body. The scales shine and almost looks like they change color depending on the angle that the light reflects off of their scales. These are called wild bettas but they do show less aggressive behaviors than other female bettas but are called wild because they have not been "domesticated" to show exaggerated fins and colors.
OUR CHOICE GROUP meaning the pictures are just samples of what you will be receiving. All females in this group are green alien and although very similar, you WILL NOT be receiving the fish in the picture.
These female bettas have been raised in sororities and are used to being with other females. You can mix and match with the other female betta groups and they will be fine living with other females from other groups as well. To get the buy 4 get 1 free you can also mix and match with other female groups except for the giant females since those are more expensive.
- Color: Green Alien
- Size: 1.5 - 2 inches (Large Size)
- Age: 3 - 4 months
- Tail Type: Wild Type
- Gender: Female (Sorority group)
- Temperature: Keep water between 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C). (use a heater recommended)
- pH Level: Aim for 6.5 to 7.5
Acclimating Process: float the bag for 15 to 20 minutes then release fish with bag water into a bucket and drip your tank water into that bucket.
Rest: On the first night/day let the fish rest with the lights off and do not feed
Unlimited Combined Shipping For Bettas & Guppy Add as many as you like for $21. INSULATED BOX AND HEAT PACK INCUDED FOR THE WINTER SEASON.
All our fish are carefully held, quarantined, and shipped from our facility in San Diego, California. We collaborate with the best farms to source the most stunning, healthy fish of exceptional size. You’ll be amazed by our selection!
We ships hundreds of live fish packages across the USA weekly. We have shipped over 50,000 packages so far. We use insulated foam boxes, and heat packs are included in the Winter Seasons to ensure fish safety. If a DOA occurs, you are covered.